Bad News..... Lady has gone blind....... The Monday before Christmas she wandered off and I thought she was gone for
good. The Elnuffs six miles away found her and traced her to me from her tags on her collar. She was nearly starved to death,
and they thought she was about to die. She was gone for about a week and a half. I have put up a pen for her and am busy overfeeding
her to get her back into health. She seems happy and as usual, does not get enough attention!
Lady is of an unknown age, but she is at least thirteen to fourteen years old. She is a golden retriever who has been a faithful
and loving pet for all these years. Cuzzin Tom gave her to Dad and I years ago, and she is a great watchdog when I am on the
place. However I understand that when I am gone, she is pretty friendly.

When I get home the usual routine is for my girls to come running to my truck door (unless I scared a cottontail they saw
in my headlights - then they are busy until it runs out of the light). Babs practically climbs in and Lady leans against the
door so I can pet them both. Any new scents I have brought home are intensely researched and catalogued. Any new tastes on
my hands are immediately tested as well. Homecoming is usually cut short by the sudden realization that they will recieve
a treat as soon as I get inside, so the message is clear: Get your hiney inside and get us goodies!

Here is Duke living dangerously - napping right in the middle of a messy tangle of high voltage computer cords.
Notice how he fits on top of a stack of cd jewel cases.

Fast forward a few weeks - on the prowl on the front porch!