Judy and Steve Kimball with Kathleen
Kathleen's baby Sadie
Kathleen and her "baby"
The Beans! Cousin Amy, Steve, Nate and Allie
Nunkle Pleasant - Kim Kimball - in the gun tub of his old Korean War ship -USS Cronin (DEC 704) - a destroyer escort. The
ship is a museum now in Albany NY. Go Navy!
Bill and Gail Borland, my uncle and aunt. "Ant Gail" sends me a major portion of the emails that you all ask "Where
the hell did you get that?" Now you know!
Easter 1983 Dad, Bill, Patsy and Grandma Jeanette
Sept 1967 Ronda (South) Pegram and myself. It kind of looks like I may be straining there.
Todd South and I. He won't fit on my lap anymore, since he is a Marine. Frankly I doubt if he would want on my lap now, nor
would I find the experience enjoyable either!
Dad and Barbara Kasky, King and Queen Valentines for the Dodge City Singles Club sometime in the late eighties. I should know
who the other lady is, but I have forgotten.
The three oldest Maddox men at Cedar Bluff Reservoir. Kyle, Aaron and Marty
The "Young Doctor Burns" takes in the Super Bowl 2002 at my annual "Super Bowl Stuff Yourself Till You Burst
The Kimballs and I
Happy at home
She just does not get enough attention!
Mother in her casket at the church. I debated about putting this picture up - I just don't have many of my mother. She did
not like to be photographed. She had lost so much weight, and we thought she really looked pretty good, so I don't think Mother
would mind.
Uncle Kim in NYC
Grandpa Leo Borland - the patriarch. I never knew him - he died before I was born.
June 1967 Kathleen, Tom South, me, and Kim Koehn
Kathleen and I with our new Irish Setter puppy Micheal
Dad and I 1960
Great Grandmother Minnie Muse and I circa 1960
Jim Duncan at the Moving Wall when it was in Emporia
If I am an honorary Duncan Brother then this would be an honorary Duncan Nephew - Bryan. The GreatOne! For all you young ladies:
he can be found on Yahoo Messenger as GreatOne67835.